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The Society shall be known as the Cayman Society of Architects, Surveyors & Engineers.


The office of the Society shall be deemed to be situated at the office address of the current Secretary in the Cayman Islands.


The objectives of the Society are to

(a) advance the study and appreciation of the art and science of Architecture, Surveying, Engineering and allied professions;

(b) secure the Society as an advocacy to promote the general interest of those engaged in or promoting the practices of Architecture, Surveying, Engineering and allied professions in the Cayman Islands;

(c) consider matters affecting or likely to affect the professions of Architecture, Surveying, Engineering and other allied professions within the Cayman Islands;

(d) hold conferences, lectures and/or exhibitions for the purposes of discussions and exchanges of views on matters affecting or relating to Architecture, Surveying, Engineering and allied professions;

(e) encourage and facilitate the continuing professional development of Society Members in accordance with best practice;

(f) encourage, assist and guide aspirant candidates to achieve status in Architecture, Surveying, Engineering and allied professions in the Cayman Islands.


(a) The membership of the Society shall comprise Fellows, Members and Student Members.

(b) To be eligible for

      (i) nomination and election to Fellowship by the Council, a person shall have been a Member for at least three years prior to such election and should have served the Society or the wider Cayman Islands property, development and construction community as a Member in a manner deemed exemplary by the Council in howsoever way it shall so determine;


(ii) admission as a Member, a person shall satisfy the Council in howsoever way it shall so determine, of the attainment of appropriate competence and good standing in the Cayman Islands property, development and construction community;

(iii) admission as a Student Member, a person shall be admitted to an appropriate  educational institution and shall satisfy the Council in howsoever way it shall so determine, of an intention of and commitment to a career appropriate to the Cayman Islands property, development and construction community.

(c) Provided that a Fellow or a Student Member shall not be so entitled, each Member shall be

(i) eligible for election or appointment to the Council, and for election or appointment to certain offices as may determined by the Council from time to time;

(ii) entitled to all its rights and privileges, including the right to attend General Meetings, vote on resolutions at a General Meeting unless he resigns, is suspended or is expelled from membership or falls within any other exception determined by the Council from time to time.

(d) The membership of the Society shall at all times be bound by the Code of Professional Conduct as provided for in section 7.

(e) The Council shall have power at any time to reinstate any membership (either conditionally or upon such terms as to payment of arrears of subscription or sum in lieu of subscription during the period of expulsion or otherwise as to them may seem expedient) any person whose name has been removed from the Members= Roll or who has been expelled; provided such person makes application of reinstatement in such manner as the Council may prescribe.

(f) The Council shall publish the current Members= Roll at the Annual General Meeting as provided for in section 7(g)(ii).

(g) Members shall be entitled to use these designatory initials or designations:

(i) Fellow: the Designatory Initials AFCASE@;

(ii) Member: the Designatory Initials AMCASE@.

(h) (i) Every member shall upon payment of the first subscription due from him under these Bye-Laws or within a reasonable time thereafter receive a certificate of membership and shall so long as he remains part of the membership be entitled to retain his certificate from year to year subject to the provisions of these Bye-Laws.

(ii) Every certificate issued shall be in such form as the Council may from time to time determine and shall remain the property of the Society.



(a) The Council shall hold office for twelve months from the date of the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of

(i) a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer all having been duly elected in terms of section 6 at an Annual General Meeting, and the immediate Past President;

(ii) three other Councillors likewise duly elected at the Annual General Meeting; and

(iii) any other Member co-opted to serve on the Council on terms and conditions as the Council may prescribe from time to time.

(b) No President shall serve more than one term consecutively, but no member having served a term as President shall be denied serving a second or further term.

(c) Vacancies arising during the twelve month period shall be filled by appointments by the Council.

(d) The new Officers and the Council shall assume office on election at the Annual General Meeting and which shall be held until the following Annual General Meeting.

(e) The Council shall be convened as deemed requisite by the Secretary who shall give not less than seven days notice of any such meeting, and which shall be chaired by the President or in his absence, by the Secretary.

(f) Three Councillors shall constitute a quorum at any such meeting within twenty minutes of the scheduled commencement, and such quorum must include either the President, the Secretary or the Treasurer.

(g) The Council shall make, amend or revoke Bye-Laws or rules provided that such Bye-Laws or rules made or amended are not incompatible with the spirit and intent of this Constitution or in any way precede it. Members shall be advised timeously of such new and amended Bye-Laws or rules, and current Bye-Laws and rules shall be published from time to time.


(a) General Meetings shall be convened by the Secretary who shall give not less than seven days notice of his intention to convene such a Meeting. All such meetings shall, unless determined otherwise by the Council, be held in Grand Cayman.

(c) At any General Meeting of the Society, twelve Members present (of which at least two shall be Councillors), shall constitute a quorum. If there is no quorum after twenty minutes of the scheduled commencement of the Meeting, no Meeting shall be held.

(d) The President shall chair each General Meeting as Chairman. In his absence, the Past President shall chair the meeting. In the event that no other Councillors are present to chair the meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved forthwith.


(e) The decision of a General Meeting shall be ascertained by a show of hands, unless after a show of hands a poll is demanded by at least three members present, and by a poll when a poll is thus demanded.

(f) The manner of taking a show of hands or a poll shall be at the discretion of the Chairman and an entry in the minutes signed by the Secretary shall be sufficient evidence of the decision of the meeting. In cases of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

(g) Not withstanding the provisions of this section, an Annual General Meeting shall be held in March of each year and at which

(i) the President shall present a report on the activities of the Society over the preceding year;

(ii) the Secretary shall publish the Member=s Roll;

(ii) the Treasurer shall present a statement of the Society=s accounts; and

(iii) Members shall elect officers as provided for in section 6(a) from those members so nominated and who accept such nomination provided only that a President may not serve for .


(a) The Code of Professional Conduct the purpose of which is to promote professional good conduct and best practice, shall be binding upon all embers of the Society and any member who

(i) acts for his client or employer in professional matters otherwise than as a faithful employee, agent or trustee, or as a principal or agent, accepts any remuneration other than his quoted charges for services rendered to his client;

(ii) without good cause injures or attempts to injure the professional reputation, prospects or business of another member;

(iii) without good cause supplants or attempts to supplant another member=s prospects, business or potential business; or

(iv) otherwise behaves or conducts himself in a manner where such conduct or manner impugns the good name and standing of the Society;

may be guilty of unprofessional conduct as provided for herein.

(b) Any case of alleged unprofessional conduct by a member shall be considered by a Disciplinary Committee established in terms of section 7(c).

(i) In the event that there is a prima facie case to be answered, a report stating the charges shall be sent to the member concerned and the member shall be required to answer the charges within fourteen days thereof. The Committee shall again consider the charge and also the reply made by the member who shall have the right to attend in person and may also be required by the Committee so to attend.


(ii) If after consideration, the Committee finds the member guilty of unprofessional conduct, they shall have the power to expel him from membership, to suspend his membership for a period, or to reprimand him. The finding as to guilt or otherwise and the decision as to penalty shall each be determined by a majority of one.

(iii) In the event of a member failing to reply to a charge and failing to appear when summoned, the Committee shall have power to decree his expulsion, suspension or reprimand in the manner provided.

(c) The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the President, a Fellow and three other members nominated to such Committee by the Council in the absence of the President. The Secretary shall record the business of the Committee, and shall arrange for the convening and re-convening of the Committee from time to time and for the purposes of considering a case of alleged unprofessional conduct as provided for in section 7(b) herein. Failure by any Committee member to attend any meeting convened as provided for herein, shall render the meeting invalid, and no further business shall be conducted.


(a) Entrance fees and subscriptions shall be as from time to time determined by a majority vote at a General Meeting. Entrance fees and first subscriptions shall be payable on election. Thereafter annual subscriptions shall be payable on January 1st. The first subscription for a person elected on or after September 1st shall be held to cover the period until January 1st following the expiry of twelve months.

(b) Any person whose subscription is three months in arrears shall receive notice by post to that effect. If the arrears have not been paid within one month of the receipt of such notice, the Council may expel such member unless it considers that there are exceptional circumstances causing such arrears.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4(c) herein, no person in arrears with subscription at the date of the Annual General Meeting shall be eligible for election as an Officer or to the Council and shall not be eligible to vote.


(a) Any amendments to these rules shall be proposed and seconded at a General Meeting and such motion shall be circulated by the Secretary to the membership at least seven days before the following General Meeting.

(b) A vote on the motion shall be taken at a General Meeting on any motion proposed in terms of section 9(a) and such motion shall be deemed carried if supported by two-thirds majority of the membership present and entitled to vote.



(a) A Notice may be served upon any individual attached to the Society either personally or by registered mail addressed to such person at his registered address.

(b) Where a particular number of days notice or notice extending over any other period is required to be given, the days of service shall be counted in such number of days or other period.


The management of the affairs and business of the Society shall be vested in the Council who, in addition to the powers and authorities granted by this Constitution or otherwise expressly conferred on them, may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Society as are not hereby or by the Bye-Laws or by other statute expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Society in a General Meeting.


Bankers for the Society shall be CAYMAN NATIONAL BANK for the time being. Authorised signatories to any bank accountor accounts established by the Council for the purposes of the Society shall be the Treasurer and one other Councillor nominated by Council from time to time.